Archives For sabbath

Remember the sabbath day, and keep it holy” (Exodus 20:8, NRSV).

Keeping Sabbath has become an important part of my own life’s rhythm and one that truly sustains me for the journey… of being a pastor, of facing challenges with grace, and of life in general. There is a reason God rested after six days of creating. When Jesus went off by himself to pray, I believe it was so that he could rest in God’s presence, center himself on the Father, and be nourished spiritually so that he was ready to teach, heal, and give peace. We all need sustenance for the journey, and God will provide… if we will only receive.image2

In recent years, a lot has been written on Sabbath-keeping and reclaiming this particular commandment in our 21st century lives. I’ve attended workshops and read books about what it means to remember the Sabbath… and it can take on different forms. Setting aside one day a week is part of it, but many talk about making “Sabbath time” every day, mini-Sabbaths throughout the week. How are we spending time with God and resting in God’s presence each day?

There are times that I get really excited over Presbyterian theology and language. Continue Reading…