Josh Kerr

Photo Mar 02, 5 54 52 PM

(View all of Josh’s posts here)

My name is Josh Kerr.  I have been married to my wife, Tara, for seven years, and we have a three-year-old son named Kellan.  I was born and raised in Tulsa, OK, but currently live in Perry, OK where serve as pastor and head of staff of First Presbyterian Church.  In my spare time, I enjoy attending sporting events, playing farmer/rancher with real farmers and ranchers, and trying out new pens.

I’m a lifelong member of the PC(USA), but play nicely with many traditions.  In May of 2014, I graduated from Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, then started at FPC Perry in July of 2014  My churchy passions include worship, preaching, translating Greek, and seeking the intersection of ancient tradition and modern culture.

After several years as an educational vagabond, I earned my bachelor’s degree from Rogers State University in Claremore, OK focusing on political science.  My work experience includes camp and conference ministry, public education, time as a church secretary, and even baseball coaching.

My passions include facilitating opportunities for people to explore their faith in new ways, challenging the status quo where unhelpful, and building bridges between people in conflict.

(View all of Josh’s posts here)