(View all of Jennie’s posts here)
After experiencing some internal angst about introducing myself in the third or first person, I decided most people think pastors are strange enough and we don’t need to resemble a Seinfeld character even more than we already do… So, I’m Jennie Barber. As a native of the PNW (Pacific Northwest) I own more parkas than one person should and the smell of coffee is my aromatherapy. I was raised Catholic, but some friends invited me to their Presbyterian church youth group in middle school. Lured by the promise of ice cream, games, and boys – I went. Through this youth ministry I began to explore faith on my own and really understand God’s love in Jesus Christ. I attended Seattle Pacific University and eventually majored in Christian Theology. After college, I intended to spend just the summer doing a youth ministry internship. Two years later, my internship supervisors encouraged me to pursue a call to pastoral ministry. Not exactly a voice from above, but it was enough to get me to move across the country to Princeton Theological Seminary in New Jersey. In seminary, I unsuccessfully tried to explore other avenues of ministry because God kept drawing me back to youth. I was ordained on October 10, 2011. My first call was to First Presbyterian Church in Columbia, Tennessee where I served as the Associate Pastor for Youth and Families. In spring 2013, I took a new call to serve as the Associate Pastor at Rivermont Presbyterian Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee. I continue to work with youth while also serving in the areas of: adult Christian Education, mission, and pastoral care. I’m grateful for God’s love, mercy, and relentless pursuit of me. I’m challenged by the journey of discipleship Jesus invites me to everyday. I’m blessed by the people who open my eyes to God’s work in the world as we explore faith together.
When I’m not consuming the youth pastor’s diet of copious amounts of pizza, I’m spending time with my husband, our two year old daughter, and our black lab mixes Steve and Stanley. I love Asian food and coffee, which means I have to enjoy running as well. In the future, I hope to travel more and watch less Bravo TV (ok, not really that last one.)
(View all of Jennie’s posts here)