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Brian_Blount-1Ministry is a journey, but one not meant to be walked alone.  As we start blogging again, the members of the Masterin’ the Pastorin’ blog decided to solicit the wisdom of other Presbyterian pastors who’ve walked the journey of ministry.  We asked different folks the same set of questions and over the course of the next couple of weeks we’ll share her/his answers.  Today you can read the wisdom of Rev. Dr. Brian Blount, President of Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, VA who graciously offered to answer our questions.

  • What was a memorable moment in your first year of ministry? Realizing that just spending time with people, especially when someone just dropped over to my office to chat, wasn’t distracting me from my work, but that this was my work!
  • What was some helpful advice you were once given? The advice I think we give each other now. Make sure to provide time for yourself. Schedule it as if you were scheduling an obligation for work, so you know you’ll keep it.
  • How did you (or didn’t you) feel seminary prepared you for ministry? I was well prepared academically to do biblical studies and theology and to use church history and practical theology. But I was not prepared for the practical aspects of ministry like doing administration or performing weddings or funerals or celebrating the Eucharist. Those were things I fortunately was able to learn on my own quickly and through conversations with colleagues who had been in the ministry longer, and from remembering how such things were done in my growing up in my home church. As a solo pastor, I didn’t have the ability to learn from a senior pastor.
  • When was the first time you questioned going into the ministry?

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