Archives For Being Presbyterian

Within our denomination there has recently been a call to join the conversation. Heath Rada, the current moderator from the 221st General Assembly, has invited Presbyterians across the country to participate and share what they think our identity and purpose are as the PC(USA).

let all things be done for building up


In order to do make this happen, they are attempting to reach a many of us as they can. There are certain dates/times in which any member can call in and participate in the dialogue, add their input, and be a part of this provisioning process. You can also fill out forms online or join Larissa Kwong Abazia, our vice moderator, on twitter chats about it using the hashtag: #pcusaidentity. And in addition to all this, they have encouraged us to talk more openly with each other about “who we are” and “why we are here”. Continue Reading…

Ode to the Small Seeds

Josh Kerr —  October 8, 2014

Photo Mar 02, 5 54 52 PMYesterday, I attended my first presbytery meeting as a member of Cimarron Presbytery.  For those of you unfamiliar with Cimarron, we are a small presbytery of mostly small churches in the small towns of north-central and north-west Oklahoma.  With only twelve churches, I believe we are the smallest presbytery in the PC(USA).

Being a small presbytery comes with its challenges.  Yesterday, for example, we approved a budget with a significant deficit, and pray that God will continue to provide in unexpected ways.  The shortfall is the result of the loss of membership (mostly one church that was dismissed), and with such a small overall pool of members, the loss of one small church creates a pretty big hit to presbytery funding. Continue Reading…

BCCThese are 7 signs that I simply and unashamedly share with you as to why and where I find seeds of hope scattered throughout my denomination – the Presbyterian Church U.S.A.

1. Educate a Child, Transform the World … project passed by this past General Assembly in 2014 to inspire, equip and connect Presbyterians for the purpose of improving the quality of education for one million children in the U.S. and globally over the next 4 years. Within just one week, PC(USA) congregations joined together and pledged $1.65 million for a project proposed in South Sudan. Wow!

2. Theocademy … birthed by the Synod of Mid-America Synod and its PC(USA) partners, these free online video lessons are designed to better equip the people of the church to be the church – and they are doing just that!! They currently have two whole sets available (5 videos for new members & 13 videos for ruling elders and deacons) with big plans to release much more. Check them out – Continue Reading…